Explore black sand beach and glaciers in a clear way from above.
This elegant tour will give you more experience and a better view of the South Coast atmosphere.
This is one of our most photogenic tours. The pictures speak for themselves!
We fly over the coastline and Skeiðarársandur, a vast plain of black sand and ash covered with numerous small rivulets. It spans the entire range between the glacier and the sea.
We'll fly by Lómagnupur, the highly impressive mountain you probably notice on the was to Skaftafell. Now we'll check it out from above!
From there we fly over Skeiðarárjökull, a massive outlet glacier draining south from Iceland’s largest ice cap Vatnajökull.
The tour is operated from Skaftafell Terminal – Tour Center. The best way to get there is to drive on road nr. 1 and turn off the road to the opposite side of Skaftafell National Park. GPS coordinates: 64°00’10.7″N 16°56’29.4″W